Indian Spirituality – an Introduction

4 weeks 

16.15 – 17.45 pm, Mon-Fri

This is a non-residential course with the option to stay in the ashram as a retreat course.

You can stay in Gokarna and come for the daily classes.

It is also possible to attend separate weeks.

Starting dates:

  • 4 Dec    Patanjanli’s Yoga Sutras under Shree Ganesh
  • 11 Dec  Indian spirituality based on Bhagavad Gita
  • 18 Dec  Indian spirituality based on Bhagavad Gita
  • 25 Dec  Indian spirituality based on Bhagavad Gita


 Experience Indian Spirituality through two major Indian scriptures: Patanjali Yoga Sutras and the Baghavad Gita. Enjoy Jnana Yoga (the yoga of the intellect) through the teacher/student relationship in the pure traditions of Ancient Indian Scriptures from modern experts with years of practice. The teachers have absorbed the depths of knowledge of Indian Spirituality and are able to deliver to us in simple, practical ways from their western back ground. You will receive the best of eastern knowledge through a western understanding. You will understand how to manage the mind and to be happy and helpful. Apart from satsangs (lectures), there will also be discussions, related meditations, chanting and kirtan.

 Residential students can also attend daily practise sessions of asanas, pranayama, yoga nidra, chanting and meditation as well as experiencing living a spiritual life in an ashram. This program assists you to establish a daily routine for health and vitality or to deepen your existing practise. Each morning flow will leave you energised for the whole day, while the afternoon classes help you to reconnect with your self, starting a transformation toward integration and happiness.

 In our ashram we aim for ‘simple living and high thinking’ along with organic farming and our Play School. We are not a resort, guest house or a hostel. Our ashram holds an open, loving atmosphere of diverse individuals who function much like a spiritual family. We eat, chant, meditate, sing, learn, work, and play together.

Week 1: Patanjali Yoga Sutras (Verses)  4 – 8 Dec., 16.15 -17.45 pm:

 ·         1st day: INTRODUCTION to Patanjali and his work. Link with Samkhya (6 Darshanas).General overview of the four chapters: Samadhi Pada, Sadhana Pada, Vibhuti Pada, and Kaivalya Pada. At the end of each session there will be a short meditation.

·         2nd day: SAMADHI PADA : what is Samadhi, definition and purpose of Yoga.Vritti (mental modifications), Abhyasa (regular practise), Vairagya (detachment). Obstacles to progress.

·         3rd day: SADHANA PADA, what is sadhana, Klesha (basic tensions of life), Ashtanga Yoga, the 8 limbs of Patanjali Yoga.Sutras.,Yama (social codes), Niyama (personal codes), results of perfecting Yama and Niyama, Asanas, Pranayama, Pratyahara,

·         4th day: VIBHUTI PADA, last three limbs (Dharana,Dhyana,Samadhi). Samyama, Psychic powers.

·         5th day: KAIVALYA PADA, causes of individuality, Karma, 3 Gunas (manifestations of Nature), the path to Kaivalya (Liberation), chanting the sutras aloud together.

Recommended further reading:

·         Sue Hamilton ‘Indian philosophy, a very short introduction”, Oxford U.Press

·         Swami Satyananda Saraswati “Four chapters on Freedom”,Yoga Publications Trust

·         BKS Iyengar “Light on Yoga Sutra of Patanjali”

The Professor’s profile: Shree Ganesh

Ganesh started practicing yoga and Indian Spirituality in1984 when he was initiated by Swami Vishnu Devananda in the Sivananda ashram in South India. Ganesh continued to receive spiritual and wellness training under Masters of various traditions. His yogic teachings include guidance in Ayurveda constitutions (3 doshas), adapting to the needs of students. He also practises and teaches vegetarian and ayurvedic cooking in France and Italy.


Week 2 – 4: Indian Spirituality Mon – Fri 15.15 – 17.45 pm.

Residential Dates:

  • Week 2: Arrival 9 Dec, class from 11 Dec to 15 Dec
  • Week 3: Arrival 16 Dec, class from 18 Dec to 22 Dec
  • Week 4: Arrival 23 Dec, class from 25 Dec to 29 Dec

Bhagavad Gita means “Song of the Spirit,” the divine communion of truth-realization between man and his Creator. The entire knowledge of the cosmos is packed into the Gita and fundamental questions of life are raised: “Who am I?”, “What happens when I die?”, “What is the purpose of my life?”

During these three weeks, you will discover the main principles of Indian Spirituality through the exploration of the Bhagavad Gita, one of the most important and universal texts from the Indian wisdom tradition.The class will include a lecture on chosen chapters of the Baghavad Gita, discussions, meditations, chanting and Kirtans.

Instructor’s profile: Yogi Arut

Arut was born and grew up in Moscow, Russia. From 1996 he has travelled all over the planet, living ten years in Montreal (Canada). He has spent the last ten years in India studying the ancient traditions of this amazing country. He considers that for the harmonious development of the personality, three types of activity are necessary: physical practice, spiritual practise and creativity. Such practices are yogasanas, devotion to Shiva & Shakti, music, poetry and the creation of mandalas and yantras. Since 2008, Arut has been sharing with friends and students his experience in yoga, spirituality, travelling in India, and personal development. Living in India started a new stage of his life, fundamentally changing his worldview and the very basis of his attitude to life. Arut is full of deep experience and knowledge which he is eager to share with you.

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