Happy House Rules

We request you to read, understand and agree to follow these Happy House rules before staying in our ashram. These guidelines are formulated to make for smooth community living and support spiritual development.

1. Please treat all other residents and staff with compassion and respect.
2. Please participate fully in the daily schedule
3. Please ensure that you are aware of your karma jobs for the day and complete them with a loving heart.
4. Please do not take anything that does not belong to you without first asking.
5. Please put things back in their proper place.
6. Please keep your room and the house clean and tidy. Pick up and wash after yourself.
7. Please clean and look after things, they also have divine energy. Please report any breakages.
8. Please respect and take good care of any books or literature you are loaned and replace in the library.
9. Please be proactive in helping each other get chores done and keeping the space in order (which includes clearing up after all meals.)
10. Please remove your shoes before entering the house or wash your feet outside if you go barefoot. Clean feet only indoors.
11. Please ask before taking any food from kitchen cupboards and fridge. If you want to have your own supply, you can store in bags in the dining room and put your name on it.
12. If you notice things running low, please inform ASAP so we can put it on the shopping list.
13. Please conserve water.  If water runs out, please inform ASAP. DO NOT SWITCH ON THE PUMP YOURSELF.
14. Please keep the outside doors closed to keep mosquitoes, bugs, and dogs out.
15. Please do not learn or teach each other any other practices without prior permission from Swamiji.
16. Please enjoy your food fully, in silence. Try your karma yoga (work) in silence. (Notice the difference)
17. After evening chanting & program is a good time for your own meditation so please maintain silence until after breakfast the next day.
18. Please turn off all lights and fans if you are the last person leaving a room.
19. Absolutely no smoking, alcohol, or intoxicants allowed inside or near the campus.
20. Please respect the ashram’s dress code of loose, modest and comfortable clothes that covers chest, shoulders and knees.
21. The ashram is not a social meeting place to make friends and relationships. It is a place to get to know yourself and not others. If you start a relationship with another resident, you may be asked to leave.
22. Please inform the office each time you leave the campus, where you are going and when you plan to return (for your own safety), in case we need to find you or need something from outside. Please also inform the kitchen staff if you plan to miss any meals so that we avoid wasting food. Please return by 7pm if you are having dinner, and by 7.45pm if you are not.
23. If you need any supplies and don’t want to leave the ashram, please give your shopping list along with money to Shyam.
24. If you want to do anything differently to how we usually do or how you have been asked to do please ask Swamiji first.
25. If you are unsure of anything, please ask. We are here to assist you.

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