Ashram Lifestyle

“To find your Higher Self, loose yourself in the service of others.”

We ask that all visitors be involved in the ashram life and be an active part of our community. Our ashram holds an open, loving atmosphere of diverse individuals who function much like a spiritual family. We eat, chant, meditate, sing, work, and play together. We seek to preserve these vibrations, and humbly ask that you be open and willing to share in the daily life of the ashram with us. If you are not at all interested in spiritual life or spiritual practices, then this may not be the right place for you. Previous yoga and meditation experience is not necessary, as long as you come with an open mind and heart. 🙂

We are aiming for sustainable living (learn how to live simply), agriculture (organic and eco-friendly) and housing. Strictly no poisons or artificial fertilizers. We are aiming for 100% self-generated power eg, solar, wind, gobar, Bengal boiler water heating, solar lights, and chargers. 

“An ashram is a place where you come to work on yourself internally and externally.”

This little piece of paradise is a relaxing and beautiful place to do your own sadhana (spiritual practices) and live in a community of people who are dedicated to living a simple life of service. “Simple living and high thinking”. 

If you are simply looking for a peaceful beach vacation, there are many places to stay near Gokarna (we are 15 minutes by vehicle). Staying at the Shankar Prasad ashram is a unique experience, so please read through our website thoroughly to determine if this is the right place for you. If so –  we welcome you to be a part of our family and enjoy the experience of living in a spiritual community.

Dress code:
Guests are required to dress conservatively.  We are an ashram and live in a small, culturally conservative village and it is important to respect the cultural values of the area. Please wear loose, comfortable clothing during your stay. Tight and revealing clothing are not allowed. Please cover your upper arms, chest, and knees. Men must wear shirts at all times. Indian kurta with pajama pants are best for both men and women and can be made here inexpensively. If you are going out to the village or to town, it is important to remember that you are representing our ashram and to dress and behave in a modest and conservative way.

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