Subscribe to our newsletter!

Hari Om Dear Yoga Friends!


I am very glad to be back sending you this newsletter after a lapse for various reasons.


In this newsletter, we want to tell you about the excellent upcoming courses and programs so that you can mark your calendars and attend, or forward this newsletter to your friends, students, groups and whoever might be interested.

Please see below for the posters which have all the details about the following programs ;

– The ever popular Yoga Nidra Foundation Course, the Yoga Nidra as Therapy Course, both in August,

– the Advanced Yoga Nidra Course in November online and in the ashram,

– along with the Yoga Nidra Teachers Training Course  (Part 1 online & in Ashram in August and Part 2 in the ashram in November). This will be a chance to fine tune your yogic awareness and go deeper into experiencing and sharing, “serve, love, give ” through learning and teaching. We invite volunteers experienced in Satyananda Bihar Yoga to assist for both Teacher Training Courses.

All our Yoga Nidra Courses have an early bird rate. If you book before the 21st July, you will get a 5% discount !! 


In September & October I’m delighted to be giving my (and your) favourite programs centred around Yoga Nidra including other wonderful practices in France & Germany. Below is a section with the informations and links. I hope to meet old friends and make new ones on this journey. Do connect through the poster links or contact me directly if you’re interested and do share with others who can benefit.


New Year Celebration will of course be the deeply spiritual practice and experience of group chanting of Hanuman Chalisa 108 times to totally push out the useless energies and fill ourselves with uplifting energy for the New Year. If you can’t come personally, do attend online for almost the same benefits.


In January 2025 we are offering Chakra Shuddhi, Chakra Sadhana, Chakra Nada Yoga (Auditory and vibrational experience) & Chakra Tratak (visual experience).

February 2025 will be going deeper into Meditations from the Tantras including this time Attitudinal Yoga.


This October we plan to have another big anti rabies vaccination and neutering camp for street and owner dogs & cats. We plan to continue again in May 2025. We need volunteers and donations for these. IF you are a local person with animals, book early and help find & befriend animals in need.


The ashram is peacefully empty at the moment but the vibrations of mantras echo through the rooms competing with the pounding monsoon rains. You can join us online for Mantra Chanting and short meditation every day at 5.45-6.45am, 1-1.10pm, and 8-9pm Indian time. This will give you the peace of mind and energy of the ashram, Shankar Prasad Foundation, near Gokarna, Karnataka, India.

We plan to send you another Newsletter very soon in which we will include more photos and details of the activities of the last few months.


Hope to see you soon! 


Love and Oms from Swami Yogaratna


Swamiji's Europe Tour is coming !


“I am delighted to be visiting France & Germany again, and giving Yoga Nidra and related courses, retreats & other programs. Henley Johnson living near Chamonix, is organising programs, stay and travel in France and Usha (Renate Luz) in Germany. I’m deeply grateful to them for going out of their way to do this. I’m also very excited and am sure it’s going to be a great success. 
I personally invite you to these programs described below and you are welcome to share this newsletter (or this section Europe tour) with your students, family & friends, WhatsApp groups and of course on all the social medias you have access to. Please look through the itinerary and see what programs appeal to you and your known people. There are still some available dates towards the end in Oct if you want to organise something. Looking forward to sharing with you. 

Love and oms” 

Swamiji Yogaratna 

If you want to arrange a program, invite, or meet Swamiji especially during the ‘available’ time, please WhatsApp directly to her on
+91 9606677446. If you can’t get through, try Henley +33 6 09 05 44 87 or Usha +49 170 8855775

-Sept 10-12: Paris classes (Yoga Nidra Foundation course) Click here for more infos

-Sept 13-15: Burgundy Weekend (Yoga Nidra)

-Sept 16-20: Chamonix classes (mainly for local residents) Click here for more infos

-Sept 21-28: luxury retreat (includes Yoga Nidra & health and positivity)

-Sept 28-Oct 4: filming (74170 St Gervais Les Bains,)

-Oct 4-6: Bern (Yoga Nidra variations)

– Oct 6-10: travel to Munich & available for programs, visits, filming

-October 11-13: Freising(Munich), Advanced Yoga Nidra & spiritual life retreat with Usha (Renate Luz ; +49 170 8855775 / Find more infos on this brochure 

-Oct 14-15: visit friends in Munich 

-Oct 16 -23: available for other programs, visits, filming. 

This is a wonderful opportunity to benefit from Swamiji’s amazing teachings and classes without coming to India. Don’t miss the chance ! We are looking forward to meet you…!

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